Faith Callaway
Faith Callaway
Faith Callaway
- PRONOUNS They/Them/Theirs
- DEPARTMENT Annual Designer
- EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE San Francisco City College + Merritt Community College – Horticulture
- CREATIVE PASSION Music, Interior Design, Making Terrariums, + Tattooing
- WHY THIS PASSION SPEAKS TO ME I’ve always played music and it is such a strong outlet for how the world is lately - I think screaming my grievances helps! Interior Design is a creative staple in my life and environments. Maintaining indoor plants really taught me a lot as they are vastly different than outdoor plants.
- FUN FACT I’m obsessed with all things Cetacean (Whales)! I collect books and even have a huge Sperm Whale tattooed on my arm. It’s my dream to swim with them someday!
- Kemora Landscapes is a full-service design, build, and maintenance company based in Chicago.